Nature and the environment:

our daily commitments and concrete choices

The sharing, the choice of true values and sensuality animated Edmond Cridel from his youth in a humanist vision of life, respectful of nature and the environment.

His creed had inspired him to create his diving club in Bonifacio. In more than 30 years, its first welcome village for diver trainees has become over time lodge A Cheda ****.

With the current context and the extension with the Suites, this concept was reinforced.
The Ecolabel awarded to us validates the approach taken with our team and suppliers.
It translates the will “to do as we say”.

Our Ecolabel certification

A voluntary label under EU Regulation EEC 880/92, which acts as a reference point for consumers who want to help reduce pollution and negative impact by purchasing more environmentally-friendly products and services.
Adherents are independently audited to check their commitment:
– to use renewable energy;
– to prioritise local, sustainable purchasing and delivery of services;
– to reduce use of energy & water
– to minimise waste by use of biodegradable products, recycling or reusing.

By guaranteeing the best sustainable practice to benefit the environment, we offer you the best as well.

Certification FR/052/455

Our daily commitments and concrete choices

We have worked with the town of Bonifacio to create the Nustrale Charter, which commits us to giving priority to local, organic, or certified produce.

This responsible purchasing policy involves our suppliers and employees, who are fully committed to it through the preference of short-chain supply, the choice of materials, the management of natural resources, recycling, and recovery.

Local products and businesses

For some time now, Chef Lionel has been choosing his suppliers with great care, as local as possible for the quality and freshness of their produce.
As for our kitchen garden, it is an extension of the hotel…

The same ethos applies for work materials and hotel purchases, choosing companies that are as close as possible to guarantee the traditional know-how still in evidence in the work of Corsican craftsmen…

Discover our suppliers

Simple methods to preserve nature

Managing resources to preserve them involves ideas that are often simple but effective.
Water for irrigation is provided by our own well, and drip irrigation is used at night.

Electricity is saved by using energy saving light bulbs and room keys.
There are 6 charging points in the car park for electric vehicles (including those of the laundry staff), including 2 Teslas.

Our documents are digitalised as much as possible; paper recycling is widespread and plastic straws and cutlery are banned.

Choice of products and materials

In the rooms, we have opted for large capacity bottles, reusable containers, and recycled plastic.
Electricity is saved by using energy saving light bulbs and room keys.

For the hospitality products, we use local water that we filter ourselves. Our air-diffusers use Corsican perfumes inspired by the maquis and the sea.
Our Occitane products use 95% ingredients of natural origin that are readily biodegradable;
those for the hands are made by a young couple from Bonifacio using water from their grotto,
which they perfume with cedrat lemon.

Instead of exotic woods, we use wood from ecologically managed European forests, driftwood, or wood from Corsican forests such as chestnut.

For construction, we favour eco-materials (single-wall bricks with thin joints…), recovered beams, tiles, etc…, as well as repairable and recyclable equipment, with particular attention to eco-energy standards.

Recycle & recover: a constant concern

Procedures are in place to ensure that what is advertised is truly done. The water from the on-site borehole is sufficient for irrigation, and the wastewater is treated according to a protocol drawn up and financed with the city of Bonifacio.

Cooking oil is recovered, soaps are recycled through Unisoap and sorted glass is collected through Défi.

Our gardener, Bruno makes mulch for the garden and vegetable garden using compost from our household waste.

An ethical approach to living together

In order to share our values and live well together, consideration, transparency, and sensibility are key to our employment policy.

These conditions encourage their dedication to us as employers and commitment to their mission of welcoming our guests.

Our employees are well cared for at work and well-rewarded, each given the respect they are properly due.

Seasonal workers are provided with accommodation,
usually on their own.

Our dedicated staff


Director of Accommodation


The Chef


Restaurant Manager


Executive Officer




Head Gardener

Sharing a sustainable lifestyle with our guests is also sharing our respect for nature, as the Tourist Office of Bonifacio states in its charter.

Corsica’s nature is rich but fragile. The maquis scrubland and forests are regularly ravaged by fires, often caused by sheer carelessness.

As for the sea, it suffers from all kinds of damage and pollution; great care must be taken to respect the quality of the coastline and the water. The magnificent underwater seascape, particularly in the classified area of Lavezzi, must be strictly protected.

Finally, transparency must be applied everywhere, in digital communication, in the rooms and on the networks, to guarantee employees and guests, the “informed opinion” they are entitled to.

A Speranza – Lodge A Cheda